Hawzah - English

Structured preliminary Islamic studies


 Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said to Kumail ibn Ziyad
“People are of three categories: “A divine scholar, a seeker of knowledge on the path of Salvation, and [the third are] savage mobs who follow any outcry and are blown with any wind. They have been deprived of being enlightened with the Light of Knowledge, and have not resorted to a firm pillar.” 

This has been a great opportunity for students to become more acquainted with the foundations of Islam and has opened new avenues in their life. Having a taste of studying parts of what our Revered Scholars study and what is taught in the Islamic Seminary of the holy cities of Qom and Najaf. These classes have indeed opened up new avenues to their understanding of life, Islam and will leave a permanent positive impact on their personality.

Hawzah studies have now become a term referring to traditional Islamic Studies. Most of the traditional subjects taught at a Hawzah are interconnected and they supplement each other. For example, Arabic Grammar is very important to enter the studies of Qur’an, Hadith and History, or to complete the study of Fiqh, one must also study Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence), or if one is interested in specialising in Islamic theology, it is necessary to study Logic and Islamic Philosophy, and so on.

The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Acquiring knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim. Verily, Allah loves those who seek knowledge.”
And: “Whoever chooses the path to seek knowledge, Allah will grant him the path to Heaven.”

 Course Topics:

1. Foundations of Islamic Belief : Exploring the Pillars of Faith"
   - This course would provide a comprehensive understanding of the core beliefs in Islam, including the oneness of God, prophethood, and the hereafter.

2. Ethics and Virtues in Islam : Cultivating a Life of Righteousness"
   - This course would delve into the ethical principles and moral teachings of Islam, focusing on themes such as justice, compassion, honesty, and spiritual purification.

3. The Family in Islam : Strengthening Bonds, Nurturing the Next Generation"
   - This course would address the Islamic perspective on family life, covering topics related to marriage, parenting, and the rights and responsibilities within the family unit.

4. Wisdom and Discernment : Navigating Life's Challenges through Islamic Philosophy"
   - This course would introduce participants to the rich tradition of Islamic philosophy, exploring concepts such as rationality, metaphysics, and the pursuit of knowledge.

5.  The Mystical Journey : Unveiling the Depths of Islamic Spirituality"
   - This course would delve into the realm of Islamic mysticism, examining its practices, teachings, and the transformative power of spiritual enlightenment.

6. Raising Righteous Leaders : Nurturing the Next Generation through the Lens of Karbala"
   - This course would focus on educating and inspiring the younger audience (children and youth) about the importance of moral character, ethical decision-making, and service to the community, drawing inspiration from the life and legacy of Imam Hussain.

Registration [CLOSED]

Registration is closed. The registration date has expired.

To express your interest, please apply online by filling in this form. After reviewing your details, we will be in touch. For further information please email us on hawzah@nabiakram.org.au.

You may also get in touch with us via our general enquiries form here: Contact NAIC.



قَالُوا۟ يَٰهُودُ مَا جِئْتَنَا بِبَيِّنَةٍ وَمَا نَحْنُ بِتَارِكِىٓ ءَالِهَتِنَا عَن قَوْلِكَ وَمَا نَحْنُ لَكَ بِمُؤْمِنِينَ (11:53)
They said, 'Hud, you have not shown us any miracles. We shall not give up our idols because of what you say and we shall not have any faith in you.